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02-09-11 Ordinance Committee
Mary Ann Jacob, Chair
James S. Belden
A. Jeffrey Capeci
George T. Ferguson
Robert Merola
Richard Woycik

DRAFT Minutes of the Legislative Council Ordinance Committee

The Ordinance Committee met on February 9, 2011 in the auditorium of the Newtown Middle School at 6:30 pm.  Chairman Jacob called the meeting to order at 6:33pm.

  • An ordinance to Protect Children
  • The Committee left this ordinance with a need for an updated map including open space.  Mr. Sibley requested open that space be added to town properties affected by the ordinance.  The Chair will request Chief Kehoe have the map updated.  Mr. Ferguson believes going through Chief Kehoe will be helpful because it will bring him into the conversation regarding the need to add open space to the areas protected by the ordinance.
  • Acquisition of Open Space
  • The chair will send a note to the Conservation Commission notifying them that the committee will not move forward on the ordinance until the commission provides the Legislative Council with a revised draft.
  • An amendment to the Ordinance creating the Fairfield Hills Authority – Mr. Spragg forwarded the change, added to the last sentence of 523-5 (4):
  • and, where the lease requires funding, said lease shall also be subject to Town Meeting approval following the approval of the Legislative Council and recommendation from the Board of Finance.
  • Mr. Woycik questioned the language wondering if it is too broad and might include items such as rented copiers.  Ms Jacob suggested bringing Ms Llodra and the FHA into the discussion.   Mr. Capeci suggested referencing the relevant Charter sections to be followed rather than spelling out the approval requirements.  Ms Jacob requested a member take ownership of the amendment.  Mr. Capeci volunteered to request tighter language from the town attorney and to speak with Dr. Reed about getting the Fairfield Hills Authority’s perspective on the change.
  • Charter mandated bi-annual review of Regulation 4, Chapter 90, Newtown Code Book, regarding Town of Newtown purchasing and bidding procedures
Mr. Merola will compile State Statutes, the town Charter, relevant Board of Selectman and Board of Education regulations and a process for executing the review which will begin after budget season.

Mr. Capeci moved to add §~715-6~Borough Alternates to the agenda for discussion.~  Motion was seconded by Mr. Ferguson, all in favor.  Ms Jacob noted that in preparation for the meeting, she compiled all the information she received as a member of the Ordinance Committee and came across an electronic version of a document titled “Enough on Alternates Already.docx” and was uncertain what its purpose was.  Ms Jacob passed the document to Mr. Ferguson who identified it as a compilation of the alternate member definitions from several ordinances defining various town commissions. The document was used when the committee revised the Design Advisory Board ordinance and does not represent action by the committee alone.

Mr. Belden requested the committee consider having a town wide draught ordinance.  It would be a framework for creating draught triggers, using conservation as a tool to prevent draughts.  Chairman Jacob requested that Mr. Belden bring the ordinance to the committee through the proper channels, either by having a relevant board or agency take it to the Legislative Council chair or by asking the chairman directly to place it on the council agenda for referral to the Ordinance Committee.  Mr. Belden offered that he would request the Conservation Commission to bring it to the council.

Ms. Jacob noted that she had discussed with Mr. Capeci about putting a request for a “Cat Ordinance” on the agenda of a future Legislative Council meeting. Ms Jacob said that the next ordinances to go to public hearing will be FHA amendment, the Child Protection Ordinance and the soon to be authored Cat ordinance.  Next meeting date was tentatively set for March 2, 2010.

Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Belden and seconded by Mr. Woycik; all in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Capeci